“Why interview service is important for you and why you should take it”
The current job you are doing now, you want some better opportunity from that job, In today’s time every person wants a good job, be it for any reason
There can be following reasons for job change, So we tell you why interview service is beneficial for you, After taking the service of interview, we process your profile in front of the client, Due to which it is beneficial that your profile will be presented in front of every company, then your interview will be done. In today’s time you are not the only person who is searching job, in today’s time there are thousands of people who are searching job,
Thousands of people have applied for the job, so he can interview anyone, it is not necessary to interview you, Now it is possible that if you are the luckiest among thousands of candidates, then you will be interviewed, otherwise it will not be possible. That’s why we give you the service of interview, so that your profile is presented in front of everyone in the seed company, so that you can be interviewed,
If you have an interview then your chances of getting a job will be more. Maybe now it comes to your mind that if a job is available in a company, then you can apply yourself for free. But we want to tell you that you are not the only candidate for the interview. And we are typed with many companies, that they need any kind of candidate for their company for the job So they apply to us, after that it is our responsibility that whatever job is available in that company For any post, we have to fulfill that job opportunity,
Panel interviews: Having several of your key people interview an applicant together can provide a depth of information that might elude a single interviewer. “The potential downside of the panel is that each person might have different expectations or understanding of what the employer is looking for, and different ways of assessing the candidate’s answers,”That can waste everyone’s time. If you’re going to do a panel, have a list of specific questions that each interviewee is asked and have a rating system you’re going to use, so at the end of each interview each panel member can compare apples to apples. The advantage to panels is, you get to draw different perspectives to an applicant’s response to a particular question. That can be valuable.
Skype and video-conferencing: These technologies are particularly useful in the recruitment industry. A good example is the hotelier who needs to interview housekeeping candidates from Europe or Australia by going online, because it is impractical for applicants to travel to the employer’s place of business, and even long-distance calls can incur unnecessary costs. Interviewers should bear in mind that some job-seekers may be willing to do an online interview but might be somewhat uncomfortable with the technology, so don’t be too judgmental in the area of speaking style or body language. Also, people tend to come across differently on-screen than in person even at the best of times.